

定休日 (日)(水)曜日

78's RPM M N O

■おすすめ順 ■価格順 ■新着順
MACHITO - No Noise part 1 / part 2 6,000円

Mercury 11012 : E+ : with Phillips, Parker

SHELLY MANNE - You're My Thrill / Afrodesia 4,000円

Contemporary C356 : N--/E+

DODO MARMAROSA - Bopmatism / Trade Winds (You Go To My Head) 3,500円

Dial 752 : E-- : popular series blue label

McKENZIE and CONDON'S CHICAGOANS - Sugar / China Boy 6,000円

Okeh 41011 : V++/V+ : large black

McKINNEY'S COTTON PICKERS - Never Swat A Fly / Laughing At Life 4,000円

Victor 23020 : V+ : small scroll

THE MISSOURIANS - Market Street Stomp / Missouri Moan 12,000円

Vic V-38067 : V+ : small scroll

THE MISSOURIANS - Scotty Blues / "400" Hop 15,000円

Vic V-38084 : V : scroll

JAMES MOODY - Surrender / Coolie-Rini 4,000円

Dial 1039 : V++

JERRY ROLL MORTON - Black Bottom Stomp / The Chat 3,500円

Victor 20221 : V+〜V

JERRY ROLL MORTON - Wolverine Blues / Mr. Jerry Lord 6,000円

Vic 21064 : V+ : small scroll

BENNIE MOTEN - 18th Street Strut / Things Seem So Blue To Me 8,000円

Okeh 8242 : V--/V- : general phonograph corp.

BENNIE MOTEN - Get Low-Down Blues / Kansas City Breakdown 4,500円

Victor 21693 : V+ : scroll

BENNIE MOTEN - Moten's Blues / Let's Get It 7,000円

Victor V-38072 : E-/V+ : small scroll

VIDO MUSSO - Moose On A Loose / Vido in a Jam 3,000円

Savoy 599 : E : red players

RED NICHOLS - Five Pennies / Harlem Twist 3,500円

Victor 21560 : E+ : small scroll

JIMMIE NOONE - Apex Blues / Sweet Lorraine 8,000円

Vocalion 1207 : V+

RED NORVO - Congo Blues / Get Happy 6,000円

Dial 1035 : V+ : with Parker, Diz.

RED NORVO - Congo Blues / Get Happy 6,000円

Dial 1035 : V+ : with Parker, Diz.

ANITA O'DAY - Ace in The Hole / Sometimes I'm Happy 2,500円

Signature 15127 : V+/V : silver/blue

KING OLIVER - Weather Bird Rug / Just Gone 3,000円

Br 02202 : E++ : UK
